Useful information about the city of Buenos Aires::
* Buenos Aires City -
* News Portal of the Argentine Republic -
* The weather in Buenos Aires -
* Ministry of Tourism of the Nation -
- Report Center of the Tourism Secretariat of the Nation::
Toll free:: 0-800-555-0016 (from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m..)
- Information Office of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires:
Telephones: 4311-0528 / 4313-0187 (Monday to Saturday from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm)
* The Argentine currency is the peso. The price of the dollar is variable. To check the status of the same you can enter::
* These are the numbers in case of emergency:
- Police: 101
- Tourist Police Station: 0800-999-5000 o 4346-5748
* The card SUBE o Unique Electronic Ticket System is a magnetic card, issued by the Ministry of the Interior and Transportation of the Nation, that will allow you to pay the trips you make in groups, subways and trains adhered to this network, in the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires.
- You can obtain it personally in any of the Obtaining Centers.
- Also request it Web way and receive it at the address you indicate within a period of 10 business days.
To inform you about the different bus lines and their routes, we recommend you to:
While, on the Metrovías site you can see the status of each of the subway lines:
* To know the arrival times and the departures from Ezeiza Airport and Aeroparque you can enter: